Summer Wars

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Show Type Movie
Vintage August 1, 2009
Runtime 114 Minutes
Shown By MNA 2010-2011 Spring Quarter
Shown On Blu-Ray Region A

Capsule Description

When timid eleventh-grader and math genius Kenji Koiso is asked by older student and secret crush Natsuki to come with her to her family’s Nagano home for a summer job, he agrees without hesitation. Natsuki’s family, the Jinnouchi clan, dates back to the Muromachi era, and they’ve all come together to celebrate the 90th birthday of the spunky matriarch of the family, Sakae. That’s when Kenji discovers his “summer job” is to pretend to be Natsuki’s fiancé and dance with her at the birthday celebration. As Kenji attempts to keep up with Natsuki’s act around her family, he receives a strange math problem on his cell phone which, being a math genius, he can’t resist solving. As it turns out, the solution to the mysterious equation causes a hijacking of the social networking site through which most of the world's social and business traffic flows.

Member Reviews

If you have NOT seen this movie, DO SO AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. It is visually stunning, and the cast is AMAZING. --Phyllis Douglas

Additional Information

  • Anime News Network Encyclopedia [1]