Coreen Chang

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Officer Positions

2002-2003 Treasurer

What Others Say

Coreen was treasurer in 2k2 and helped club raise an all-time high amount 
of money for open house.  Still an active contributor in the mailing list, 
she is a knowledgeable source on all current anime.

Notable achievements:  Provided club with chicken teriyaki recipe that has 
become the big money maker at open house, provided HK action flicks for after 
hours entertainment.

How do you spot her:  Asian girl with glasses and likes anime...yeah, if you 
guys want to spot her ask someone who knows her.

She's currently working in SoCal trying to get a license for some complex 
business-like stuff I can't comprehend.

--Nik Kamachi, email to MNAMembers, 23 Dec 2005

Running by... Likes bonfires and hiking. Started as a CS major switched to Business and I believe got a double concentration in Finace and MIS.

--Rebecca Goodwin